Jun 18, 2024 | 1 mins | #general,#hugo
New site with Hugo
So I finally took the time to (almost) finish my template for Hugo, and publish my renewed website.
I’m gonna use this place as something in between a blog and a personal journal, so you’ll probably find a random mix of technical posts, short stories, posts about my hobbies, travel reports, and personal ramblings. It might or might not suit your taste 😁
The template, which I’ll make public once I finish polishing it, is based on the MareTranquillitatis theme by Fale. It supports ${\KaTeX}$, tags, sharing to various socials, and comments. It’s still missing a couple of things, namely some css fixes for the header on mobile phones, the ability to selected a pinned post to appear on the home page, and a share to Mastodon button, among others. It also needs a little bit more polish (headings from level 2 and upwards need proper styling, for example).
I will publish some more content in the following days, and I plan on posting something at least once a week. For now, you can read a short story I wrote some years ago, It was Camden Town.